Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Vegitable fry

Aha! Emi ruchi Anara Maimarachi! This is the way the curries with Brinjals will be admired.

Ingrediants :-

Sliced brinjals - ¼ cup

Sliced potatoes - ¼ cup

Drum stick cut into small pieces - ¼ cup

Green pieces - ¼ cup

Salt - to taste

Sugar (or ) jaggery - 1 spoon

Oil 1 ½ spoon

Grind :-

Grated coconut ¼ cup

Re chillis 4

Onions 3

Ginger 1 inch piece

Tamarind small lime size

Garam masala powder ½ spoon

Preparation :-

Heat oil in a pan add all the raw vegetables and fry in a reduce flame for few minutes

Add grind miture , with 1 cup of water, cover with lid, cook till the vegetables are tender, add salt and jaggery or sugar , mix well till it is disloved, when the curry is thick, add garam masala powder,wait 1 minute, to serve add finally coriander leaves , and remove from flame. Serve with hot rice, o.k. try your self.

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