Wednesday, April 9, 2008

MENTI KA SUBJI[ Fenu greek curry]

Ingrediants :-

Soaked mentulu[fenu greek seeds] - 1 small cup

Jeera - 1 spoon

Mustered seed - ½ spoon

Turmeric powder - ¼ spoon

Sugar - 2 spoons

Dhania powder - 2 small spoons

Amchur powder - 1 spoon

Cashewnuts - 6 (chopped small pieces)

Kismis (dry grapes) - 1 spoon (chopeed small pieces)

Dry dates - 1 spoon ( chopped small pieces)

Salt - to taste

Chilli powder - as required (1/2 spoon)

Preparation :-

Before 2 hours soaked mentulu, after that through out soaked water, heat oil 2 spoons in a pan add jeera, mustered seed, soaked mentulu mix ones, again add turmeric, chilli powder, salt , and sugar, mix well , add dhania powder, amchur powder,and cashewnuts, kismis, dry dates, now mix well , fry 5 minuts, add ½ cup water fry until thickness , remove from flame , this is dry curry , this is suitable for chapaties ,pur, roti. O.k try your self.

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