Monday, April 7, 2008


A nourishing soup for all home maker’s, those who are working for the house all the time , a richly vitaminized soup . try your self.

Ingredients :-

Tomato slices - 2 spoons

Capsicum - 2 spoons

Onion slices - 2 spoons

Garlic - 3 flakes

Pepper - ½ spoon

Preparation :

Heat butter in a pan add capsicum slices , and add tomato slices, add onion slices, cover with lid , wait 5 mts, till tender , add salt , and pepper, mix well , the preparation should be half boiled . remove from flame, after getting cooled grind smooth paste in mixer , heat 1 or 2 cups water in a bowl , ones bubbles come remove from flame pour in bowl ,taste it .

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